Arlesey Bank Holiday Dive, BBQ and Sign-offs!

May 31st, 2023

Mid Herts Divers had a fantastic turnout at our Arlesey open water facility with 20 divers in the water. Stacy, Brett, Andrej and Mikolaj did their first Ocean Diver open water dives following pool training and James P, James S, Anthony & Philip A doing their Sports Diver Rescue skills training. 

We took advantage of Alan bringing along his RHIB for some divers to access the far side of the lake that is rarely visited, whilst the remainder not training or using the RHIB had good fun just pottering about underwater.

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Above, Stacy, Brett & Mark getting ready to enter the water, Charles & Andy going out with Alan on his RHIB.

To ensure we have a good social scene at the event, we had a post dive BBQ for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to Tracey Graham and Debbie Carmichael for cooking up the food, very enjoyable!  

Below, the Gnome family underwater and the BBQ (Braai to Tracey and Debbie!)

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